Civic Education in Ukraine


The Open University of Maidan continues to organize offline meetings and on February 8, 2018, the team visited the one of Ukrainian cities – Chernihiv. This time the main topic […]
On January 25, 2018, a new course “Theory of generations: how to build understanding” was launched in VUM online. It is well known that values determine human behavior. Most of […]
The Forbes chose Yuliya Tychkivska, co-founder of the Open University of Maidan, as one of the 30 leaders in Europe under the age of 30 in the Law and Policy category.
Dear friends and partners! The Open University Maidan team congratulates you on the upcoming New Year!  2017 was uneasy though a very interesting year. We thank all of you strong and straight support.
NGO OUM continues to work hard on spreading the ideas of civic education. Focusing on the VUM online platform, the team also creates opportunities for meetings with platform users, active […]
All Ukrainian citizens are the clients of administrative services. People need to receive passports, driver’s license and other documents, register a place of residence, marriage, car, real estate, get building […]
VUM revolution of dignity
Open University of Maidan was founded during the Revolution of Dignity in December 2013. At that time, the best representatives of business schools and universities, public figures delivered free lectures […]
50% of Ukrainians live in multi-apartment buildings. There are 9 million apartments and only on gas heating Ukrainians spend three times more than in Europe. A partial wall insulation, which […]
The forum “Adult Education and Civil Society Development” took place in Kyiv on November 2-3 and became a platform for experience exchange and discussion of ways to develop non-formal education […]
On October 27 Mykola Ilyinov, “Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector” project expert had presented online course “Energy Efficiency of the apartment blocks in practice” that was recently launched on […]