Civic Education in Ukraine


29 January 2018

New course on VUM online: Theory of generations: how to build understanding

On January 25, 2018, a new course “Theory of generations: how to build understanding” was launched in VUM online.

It is well known that values determine human behavior. Most of our values are formed at the age of 12-14 years old. The world is changing rapidly. Historical events, economic crises, social processes, technology development have a significant impact on how our life changes every 15-20 years. Nevertheless, we are surprised that people of various ages often can’t find an understanding and look at the same things in very different ways.

This phenomenon is explained by the theory of generations. According to this theory, every 20 years a new generation of people is formed. These generations have different life perceptions, values, differing views on family building, careers, relaxation, communication with friends and interaction with each other.

  • Why do you need to study different generations?
  • What can we do with perception “I should have been born in another century!”?
  • What is the attitude of different generations to career, family and development issues?

These and many other interesting issues are considered in this course.

The course is freely accessible and open to everyone. Description of the course is in Ukrainian.