Civic Education in Ukraine

Filtered by tag: World context understanding

Online courses

The first experience of the Open University of Maidan (OUM) activities helped us to make several important conclusions. First of all, our team should apply different approaches and observe the issues from different perspectives to implement changes as it is hard to realize what will be needed in the process, what programs should be outlined and how to establish a systematic approach in one’s studying. Gained experience supported us in our decision to create “Concerned Activist’s School” educational program. This school is the result of facilitators', psychologists', activists', and leaders’ work. Implementing the experience of 26 events we had held all over Ukraine, we transformed the School into a branch of massive open online courses that provide a balanced and comprehensive base of knowledge about public activism, have straight structure and deliver simple and precise messages.
It is extremely crucial that “Concerned Activist’s School” as many other complex programs by the OUM is always changing and adopting concerning demands of the society and patterns of its development. But how does it actually works? If you are interested in one of our massive open online courses and sign up for it, our platform automatically signs you up for all the online courses of this program. Complex programs require not only the successful ending of the particular online courses but final assignment completing. When you end the course you may get your Certificate. This part contains complex solutions of the issues in the civil society sphere. The main objective of the complex programs is to help us with an efficient understanding of the courses and experts effectiveness in answering complicated questions that are on your list. Topics of our courses may correlate with your particular problems and may be instrumental in the troubleshooting process. The platform creates new opportunities for those responsible and active members of the communities who are ready to change themselves and their communities. Choose your program now and enjoy the education process on the OUM!

It is widely known that civil society is an integral part of a developed democratic state. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the main points that influence its formation, as well as facilitate the establishment of effective dialogue and interaction with the authorities. This course helps participants to form a practical understanding of how people can engage in policy development processes at the local and national levels. In addition, the course guests are well-known activists and public figures who will share their experience to implement changes using existing instruments of influence. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
It is possible to change the situation in Ukraine for the better when citizens take responsibility and start to control and influence the situation, and not only through elections. Each citizen has to set a question where and how the budget funds are spent and how the communal property of the community is managed. Taxes must work for people and so citizens must carefully monitor all such activities, because it affects the lives of every citizen, every family. This course shows how to control public procurement and operations with public / communal property. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is developed to help companies effectively form and strengthen their team. Respect for human rights, equality in the workplace, non-discrimination is an important factor that can be used as strong motivation. Such approaches have been implemented by international companies and can easily be mastered by Ukrainians. The course shows how to create an atmosphere of trust and respect for the work team and resolve conflicts that are provoked by misunderstandings and stereotypes. The course helps participants develop a policy of equality for their business and learn how to use non-monetary motivation methods. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is developed for people aged over 30 who are interested in professional development and personal branding. The course deals with personal values ​​and their analysis that determine what a person should focus on. People who have different values ​​will not be able to work together and implement collaborative projects. Working with values ​​gives motivation to overcome the difficulties and the basis for making sustainable decisions. The course provides practical advice and methods to analyze existing activities, draw conclusions and plan further steps. It helps people to make their own decisions, and does not check knowledge and skills. The course is in Russian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
Nowadays, career development has its own peculiarities. It is difficult to predict which professions will be in demand in 5 years. Even more it should be taken into account that some of them has not been created yet. Moreover, the life cycle of some professors is very short and that is troubling as one may lose a job. So, how can people plan a career? This course explains the issues of the career development and will be useful for students and for those who only choose the future profession or change it - young professionals, experienced professionals, executives, and educated managers. The course does not consider aspects of how to find a job, write a CV, or to be prepared for an interview. The focus is on career planning and its development. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
It is well known that values determine human behavior. Most of our values are formed at the age of 12-14 years old. The world is changing rapidly. Historical events, economic crises, social processes, technology development have a significant impact on how our life changes every 15-20 years. Nevertheless, we are surprised that people of various ages often can’t find an understanding and look at the same things in very different ways. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of generations. According to this theory, every 20 years a new generation of people is formed. These generations have different life perceptions, values, differing views on family building, careers, relaxation, communication with friends and interaction with each other. These and many other interesting issues are considered in this course. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is an introduction to integral dynamics which is an effective model of the evolution of thinking, leadership and management. It describes the development of psychosocial systems on different levels, such as a person, a company, people, and humanity. The course allows to learn how the values ​​and ways of thinking influence people’s behavior, why people often can’t come up with effective ways of managing subordinates. It allows to analyze the diversity of management cultures and learn how to accept the position of colleagues, see opportunities and ways to improve yourself and your team. The course also shows the evolution of thinking and its influence on the evolution of economic relations, political systems, cultures and religions, national identity, etc. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
The Constitution is the basic Law of the state and society. Not without reason Americans compare the Constitution with the Bible. The level of the society development is determined by the level of citizen awareness of the Constitution. The knowledge of the Constitution allows to realize the laws of state development, political processes, causes and consequences of political party activities. The Constitution proclaims the rights and obligations of a citizen, but the text of the document may be difficult for understanding by one with no specific background in the field of Laws. The course explains what constitutional provisions mean and how they can be used in practice. The course is developed for people who have no legal education. At the same time, it may be interesting for professional lawyers and politicians. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is useful for those who think about their future and the future of their projects and organizations. It is for those who develop strategies or plan to create them; for those who understand that the effective strategy planning requires the ability to see and even predict the future. This course does not focus on explanation of the strategic planning process. It shows the algorithm and key principles of effective strategic thinking, allows to test themselves (by performing a series of tests that measure the principal skills and abilities). After finishing the course, a person will clearly understand what one should do and where to start the strategic planning. The course is in Russian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is for active citizens who participate in social and business projects and are interested in personal and professional development. It helps to understand the one’s true desires, needs and values. The problem is that people may experience the same states and according to this they form social groups. To cooperate successfully within the working groups one should clearly understand members of these groups as well as their motives. Many public projects fail and many businesses went bankrupt just because many do not understand the peculiarities of cooperation. The course discovers and helps to realize aspects that are crucial for effective collective work. The course is in Russian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.