On June 23, 2018, the NGO OUM team visited the graduation ceremony of the Ukrainian Academy of Leadership (UAL). It was held at the Kyiv branch of the UAL. The Academy organizes a graduation party for its students for the third year in a row and this event is the final point – the graduation and the beginning of a new period in their lives. All graduates have passed the hard way to get this “point”: complex selection of candidates, training and transformation, which usually takes up to 10 months. The UAL program helps young people find their life goals, get to know the country and the world, consciously choose a future profession and reveal leadership potential. There are three development aspects at the core of the study: physical, emotional and intellectual.
More than 270 participants and guests took part in the event. The NGO OUM has joined the “Fair of Opportunities”, where public organizations and companies presented their experience to graduates of the Academy. Alumni created their activities – they played games, organized competitions, danced and just had fun. The rain and gloomy weather did not spoil the festive mood of the youth.
The NGO OUM team talked about the civic education platform VUM online, focusing on online courses that are free and available 24 hours a day. Everyone could join the VUM online directly during the event, went through the simple registration process and immediately subscribed to the courses.
The NGO OUM thanks the Ukrainian Leadership Academy for the invitation. We wish graduates further success, inspiration to be strong and active. Let each of them make a significant contribution to the development of Ukraine.