Civic Education in Ukraine

VUM online platform admin

Film cameraman; videographer. He is responsible for the video content for VUM Online. Technical Director at Mohyla School of Journalism.

Business Analyst (BA) and Project Manager (RM) of VMU online. MBA at Kyiv Mohyla Business School (kmbs).

Facilitator of the pitching project and manager of the project “Active Citizens”.

The head of the NGO OUM, managing director and coordinator of VUM Online, MBA at Kyiv Mohyla Business School (kmbs)

The master-facilitator of the British Council’s “Active Citizens” international project, the leader of the “Active Citizens” project at the NGO OUM (she is specialized in training on Social Projects and Pitching on Project Financing (, community-based work in different regions of Ukraine.

Education Program Manager of VUM online

Financial manager of VUM online