Civic Education in Ukraine

Online courses

The first experience of the Open University of Maidan (OUM) activities helped us to make several important conclusions. First of all, our team should apply different approaches and observe the issues from different perspectives to implement changes as it is hard to realize what will be needed in the process, what programs should be outlined and how to establish a systematic approach in one’s studying. Gained experience supported us in our decision to create “Concerned Activist’s School” educational program. This school is the result of facilitators', psychologists', activists', and leaders’ work. Implementing the experience of 26 events we had held all over Ukraine, we transformed the School into a branch of massive open online courses that provide a balanced and comprehensive base of knowledge about public activism, have straight structure and deliver simple and precise messages.
It is extremely crucial that “Concerned Activist’s School” as many other complex programs by the OUM is always changing and adopting concerning demands of the society and patterns of its development. But how does it actually works? If you are interested in one of our massive open online courses and sign up for it, our platform automatically signs you up for all the online courses of this program. Complex programs require not only the successful ending of the particular online courses but final assignment completing. When you end the course you may get your Certificate. This part contains complex solutions of the issues in the civil society sphere. The main objective of the complex programs is to help us with an efficient understanding of the courses and experts effectiveness in answering complicated questions that are on your list. Topics of our courses may correlate with your particular problems and may be instrumental in the troubleshooting process. The platform creates new opportunities for those responsible and active members of the communities who are ready to change themselves and their communities. Choose your program now and enjoy the education process on the OUM!

This course inspires to read of classical philosophical and literary works that had an impact on the development of socio-political consciousness of modern society. The purpose of the course is to get acquainted with the texts of philosophical and classical literature, focusing on such issues as "the state", "society", "community", "person", "freedom", "choice", "right", "duty", etc.  After completion of the course, participants will know texts that can help to become better citizens, or to form their own civic position. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
Due to an outdated system of housing and communal services management, Ukrainians are obliged to pay a lot of money for heating. At the same time the temperature regime may hardly depend on the sum they are paying. The course shows you how to change this situation. IFC experts of "Energy efficiency in the residential sector of Ukraine" are ready to help. More than a thousand Ukrainians have already used these advices. The course was developed by the IFC team with the support of the Swiss Confederation. It includes only practical recommendations, verified by the experience of work in Ukrainian realities. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This online course is developed for public activists who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in public event organization. The participants will familiarize themselves with the important rules for successful implementation of creative campaigns. This course is interesting for all those who believe they are changemakers, but do not know where to start with, or how to proceed further in order to achieve their goals. The course is in Russian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
Many Ukrainians live in high-rise buildings. Traditionally, the responsibility for order in such buildings was carried by the housing and communal services. But everything has changed now and Ukrainians have the opportunity to be responsible for their own common property. The course shows the process of creating condominiums and organize effective management of the common property. It also explains how to avoid the possible problems during the organization process. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
Plast is a Ukrainian scout organization. Due to self-development in Plast, the future generation of new Ukrainians is being raised today. Plast allows to master the many important skills such as leadership, stress susceptibility, responsibility and many others. This course is especially interesting for those who want to be a part of the Ukrainian Scout movement. During the course, participants learn the organization history, values ​​and tasks of Plast, the role of a volunteer in the organization, the peculiarities of the methodology of education. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
It is widely known that civil society is an integral part of a developed democratic state. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the main points that influence its formation, as well as facilitate the establishment of effective dialogue and interaction with the authorities. This course helps participants to form a practical understanding of how people can engage in policy development processes at the local and national levels. In addition, the course guests are well-known activists and public figures who will share their experience to implement changes using existing instruments of influence. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
It is possible to change the situation in Ukraine for the better when citizens take responsibility and start to control and influence the situation, and not only through elections. Each citizen has to set a question where and how the budget funds are spent and how the communal property of the community is managed. Taxes must work for people and so citizens must carefully monitor all such activities, because it affects the lives of every citizen, every family. This course shows how to control public procurement and operations with public / communal property. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is developed to help companies effectively form and strengthen their team. Respect for human rights, equality in the workplace, non-discrimination is an important factor that can be used as strong motivation. Such approaches have been implemented by international companies and can easily be mastered by Ukrainians. The course shows how to create an atmosphere of trust and respect for the work team and resolve conflicts that are provoked by misunderstandings and stereotypes. The course helps participants develop a policy of equality for their business and learn how to use non-monetary motivation methods. The course is in Ukrainian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is not about yoga, mediums or mass media. It considers an effective communication that allows to find a solution that satisfies both sides of the communication process. The course provides basic concepts of mediation methods and presents effective ways of conflict solving. This course is for those who want to understand their own desires, and also meet the other person needs. It is also for those who deal with conflict situations and want to learn how to solve them. The use of some mediation methods becomes clear immediately after the course completion. All interested people are provided with special opportunities for further trainings. The course is in Russian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.
This course is developed for people aged over 30 who are interested in professional development and personal branding. The course deals with personal values ​​and their analysis that determine what a person should focus on. People who have different values ​​will not be able to work together and implement collaborative projects. Working with values ​​gives motivation to overcome the difficulties and the basis for making sustainable decisions. The course provides practical advice and methods to analyze existing activities, draw conclusions and plan further steps. It helps people to make their own decisions, and does not check knowledge and skills. The course is in Russian. It is freely accessible and open to everyone.