Almost two-thirds of Ukrainian population lives in the area with polluted air. According to WHO premature death is four times more common here than in 5 of the most cleanest countries in the world. This problem needs to be solved and society plays a big role in this process. You can get needed skills and knowledge with our course “Air quality monitoring for citizens” that starts on January 16 on
You will learn who and how pollutes the air in your area and where to find accurate information about pollution levels. You will also hear about air safety assessments methods and quality monitoring systems. As well as what to do in case of pollution.
The course is created by “Stop the poisoning of Kryvy Rih” NGO and the team of civic education platform VUM online as a part of environmental policy and advocacy initiative in Ukraine. The initiative is created by “Vidrodzhennya” fund with financial support of Sweden. Opinions belong to the authors of the course and are not necessarily reflecting the views of “Vidrodzhennya” fund and the government of Sweden
15 December 2021