Civic Education in Ukraine


26 June 2024

New online course for young social innovators is available at

On 25.06.24  the course “Introduction to Social Innovation Projects – from Idea to Sustainable Solution” is accessible for internet users at Strong civil society and high social cohesion guarantee our state sustainability in times of war trials and post-war reconstruction, – this is our common belief with partners from the ANTS – National Interests Advocacy Network NGO. That is why supporting and educating new social leaders is so important even during large-scale aggression
This course is intended for all those who want to influence positive changes in society, and have concrete ideas on improving the lives of people in their community but still do not fully understand how to implement changes in practice.

The course was developed within the framework of the HALLI 2.0 project implemented by the ANTS – National Interests Advocacy Network  NGO with the support of the NED National Endowment for Democracy.